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Correcting a Career Mistake

“To err is human” ~ Alexander Pope
As humans, we are bound to make mistakes and the highly competitive corporate world makes even senior people vulnerable. There is still quite a lot of career (and life) ahead of you. This service can help you get past those mistakes, free yourself from regret and regain your confidence.


There are far too many articles on the internet that talk about career mistakes one must avoid. But what if you have already made a mistake? It could be as common as choosing the wrong career or as grave as getting fired from a company for a reason that you can’t be proud of.

There are certain steps that will help you distinguish between your actions and you, and facilitate real learning from the mistake. Our Career Scripters will start with understanding the context of the mistake and then guide you on the optimal path for correcting it.

How do we do that?


  • Open up (in confience) with our Career Scipter


  • Awareness module on dealing with a career mistake


  • Consulting session with the Career Scripter focusing on your context and struggles
  • Set immediate priorities

Get Results:

  • Achieve clarity on immediate next steps
  • Awareness module on preventing further career mistakes
  • Optional follow up session with career scripter

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Let’s get to know you better to help you. Please fill up this simple form in confidence.