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The Art of Storytelling Through Resumes!

Resume is your gate-opener for an interview. It is the first step that defines your career story. People often believe resume to be a formal document which tells the interviewer about our basic credentials like educational qualification and work experience.  We...

How to do hunt for your dream job & succeed in it

When asked about what kept them in their jobs, one key theme that came up among long-timers was that they wanted to avoid the stress of hunting for a job. Though the word is job hunt, many a time, one who gets hunted is the job seeker himself/herself. What makes Job...

How to Handle the Stress of Working from Home

For a long time now, people have been compelled to work from home. Before the pandemic, this idea seemed like a fascinating one available to a select few, but now the very same privilege has driven most of them to more stress and tiredness than working from office....